
CONTRACT No.: N3TC/CU-2022-101 (CS)
UPGRADE OF THE N3 TOLL ROAD: N3-7X km 36.0 TO km 63.0 AND N3-8X km 0.0 TO km 24.6 (HIGHWAY SECTION 15XA AND 15XB)


CLOSING TIME AND DATE (AT 14:00): Monday 20 June 2022

The N3 Toll Concession (RF) Proprietary Ltd. invites tenders from eligible Service Providers for the provision of Detailed Design, Construction Documentation and Procurement services. This project is in the province of the Free State. The approximate programme is for the Detailed Design Report as well as the Tender Documentation & Drawings to be completed by December 2023. The Tender period will be communicated separately but will not commence later than June 2024.

Only eligible tenderer’s who comply with the criteria stated in the Tender Data will be considered in the award of this Contract. The intention is for N3TC to appoint a Lead Consultant who will take overall responsibility for project delivery. It is a condition of this Tender that the Lead Consultant appoint at least one (1) Sub-Consultant to assist in the provision of structural design services.

For tenderers to be eligible tenderers shall ensure that:
• The Tenderer has paid the prescribed tender fee;
• The Tenderer complies with the Tender rules and tender responds to the Specifications and Scope of Works.
• The Service Provider is PDE compliant or
• The PDE Shareholding (i.e. organisation/entity complying with the definition of PDE) in a Joint Venture/Consortium is at least 30%. No less than 30 % of the work shall be carried out by the PDE Shareholder who shall participate in all facets of the work.

Refer to Conditions of Tender Clause F1.3.3 for the definition of PDE.
Eligibility for the PDE requirement shall be assessed as part of the Technical evaluation. Tenderers shall demonstrate in their tenders that the PDE requirements are valid at the closing time for submission of tenders and shall ensure that they remain valid for the duration of the project.

The tender document will be issued on 27 May 2022 and will be available on the N3TC website at the following address

Prospective Tenderers are required to pay a fee of R50,000.00 to be eligible to tender. On receipt of payment of the tender fee, the tenderer will receive access to further download documents as well as a link to the compulsory pre-tender meeting and the link to upload the completed tender. The tender fee will be refunded to the Tenderer within 28 days of the closing time of tenders if the tenderer submits a tender or gives notice to N3TC that a tender will not be submitted before the closing time of tenders.

The banking detail for payment of the tender fee is:

N3 Toll Concession (RF) Proprietary Ltd
Bank: First National Bank
Account No.: 62012311461
Branch Code: 255005
Account type: Corporate cheque account
Reference: Tender - Tenderer’s Company name

A compulsory pre-tender meeting with representatives of N3TC and eligible tenderers will be held virtually on MS Teams on Friday, 3 June 2022 starting at 10:00. This is the only time and medium that such a meeting will be held.

The closing time for receipt of tenders is as recorded in the tender notice and invitation to tender.

The tender submission shall be as follows:

• The tender submission shall be in accordance with the two-envelope method as described in the tender rules, however the actual submission is described below.
• Tenders are to be submitted electronically through the submission portal which link will be provided to each Tenderer after receipt of the tender fee.
• The electronic tender submission to be uploaded shall include the Technical Proposal as well as the Financial Proposal.
• For the Financial Proposal:

• Firstly: The Tenderer shall save the Financial Proposal with a password that can only be opened using the password (in a zip File). This password protected Proposal shall be submitted electronically together with the Technical Proposal in separate files (“envelopes”) by the tender closing time.
•  Secondly: The Financial Proposal shall also be delivered in a sealed envelope (hard copy) to the Tender Box at the N3TC Head Office, 1st Floor Block D, Southdowns Office Park, 22 Karee Street, Irene 0157 by no later than 14H00 on Tuesday 21 June 2022 (i.e. within 24 hours after the tender closing time). The sealed envelope shall include a hard copy of the financial proposal together with the password required to open the Financial Proposal uploaded by the closing time for receipt of tenders.
•  Only the Financial Proposals of Tenderers who qualify, i.e. meet the minimum Technical evaluation score will be opened and all qualifying tenderers will be invited to the opening of Financial Proposals. Other financial proposals will be returned to the tenderers unopened.

Queries relating to issues arising from these documents may be addressed to: N3TC: Tel (087) 285-6382
Mr CS Botha (

All queries must be in writing by e-mail and responses will be distributed to all eligible tenderers. The final date for receipt of queries will be Friday 10 June 2022.